Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our Planet Earth

The ground beneath our feet seems to be the most solid and unchanging thing we know. It forms foundations for our cities and an environment in which we can live. Yet in reality our planet spin in axis and hurtling through hostile space,as it orbits the nuclear furnace of our Sun. It is an active,dynamic,living planet.

The rock-solid surface is not as solid as it appears. It is cracked like giant slabs of crazy paving. Earthquakes shake our cities and volcanoes erupt,giving clues to the fiery movements beneath the ground. From above,the planet is buffeted by radiation and particles streaming at it through space but in between is an atmosphere,and oceans with liquid water,and temperature which are just right for life.

Life has transformed Earth and earth continues to support life. Buried in the rocks are minerals,gems and also some precious type of metals. By using the energy from the Earth in the form of coal,oil,water and many more,we have transformed them into the artifacts of civilization,from books and buildings to cars and technology. We all depend on our mother planet Earth.