Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Favourite Desert~ Tiramisu

Tiramisu is one of the most popular Italian cakes. It is made of savoiardi known as lady finger biscuits dipped in espresso or strong coffee, layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks, mascarpone, and sugar, and topped with cocoa. Tiramisu has become a very popular dessert. The recipe has been adapted into cakes, puddings, and other varieties of dessert.
There is some debate regarding tiramisu origin, as there is no documented mention of the dessert before 1983. In 1998, Fernando and Tina Raris similarly claimed that the dessert is a recent invention. They point out that while the recipes and histories of other layered desserts are very similar; the first documented mention of tiramisu in a published work appears in a Greek cookbook. Backing up this story, the authors recalled an article that tiramisu was created in 1971 in Treviso by Giuseppe Di Clemente. Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary gives 1982 as the year of origin.
Several sources claim that tiramisu was invented in Treviso at Le Beccherie restaurant by the god-daughter and apprentice of confectioner Roberto Linguanotto, Francesca Valori, whose maiden name was Tiramisu. It is believed that Linguanotto named the dish in honors of Francesca's culinary skill.
Other sources report the creation of the cake to have originated in the city of Siena. Some confectioners were said to have created it in honor of Cosimo III on the occasion of his visit to the city. Alternatively, accounts by Carminantonio Iannaccone as researched and written about by The Washington Post and Baltimore Magazine establish the creation of tiramisu by him on December 24, 1969, in Via Sottotreviso while he was head chef at Treviso, near Venice.
The original recipe called for the following ingredients: savoiardi biscuits, eggs, sugar, mascarpone, cocoa, honey, and club soda. In the original recipe, there was no liquor as the cake was originally aimed at children and the elderly, and the original shape was round. The phrase tirami su literally means "pick me up" or "pull me up" in reference to the effects of the sugar and espresso. It is also thought to mean "pick me up to heaven" due to the delightful taste.