Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Material And Tehnology

Ever since human started to take interest in the world around them,they have studied the appearance and feel the objects and materials that they encountered. Gradually, they experimented with materials to discover how they could be used. Along the way, much have been learned about the properties of the materials.

Modern studies of material use sensitive instruments, computer and other advanced technologies to measure and calculate the properties of materials in great detail. Materials scientists use this type of knowledge to develop new materials, and engineers use it to choose material that are suitable for the construction that they are on to like building, vehicle, machine and other.

Technology the creation and use of tools and machines to perform task and goes hand in hand with the development of materials. Technology is driven by the understanding of materials, and it helps to expand the range and improve the quality of available materials. Technology also help to create a new group of materials, including artificial polymers and plastics made from oil and composite materials that are consisting of several different materials bonded together to improve their properties.