Tuesday, May 11, 2010


1 medium ripe mango
½ tsp finely grated lime rind,plus extra to decorate
½ tsp vanilla essence
2 kiwi fruit
2 passion fruit
1 medium banana
2 medium egg whites
2 tbsp lime juice
425g/15 oz can low-fat custard

1.To peel the mango, slice either side of the smooth, flat central stone. Roughly chop the flesh and blend the fruit in a food processor or blender until smooth. Alternatively, mash the chopped mango flesh with a fork.

2.Peel the kiwi fruit, chop the flesh into small pieces and place in a bowl. Peel and chop the banana and add to the bowl. Toss all of the fruit in the lime juice and rind and mix well to prevent discoloration.

3.In a grease-free bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff and then gently fold in the custard and vanilla essence until thoroughly mixed.

4.In 4 tall glasses alternately layer the chopped fruit, mango puree and custard mixture, finishing with the custard on top. Leave to chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

5.Halve the passion fruits, scoop out the seeds and spoon the passion fruit over the fruit fools.

6.Decorate each serving with the extra lime rind and serve.

Other tropical fruits to try include papaya puree, with chopped pineapple and dates,
and tamarillo or pomegranate seeds to decorate. Or make a summer fruit fool by
using strawberry puree, topped with raspberries and blackberries, with cherries to finish.